Friday, July 15, 2005

Income inequality rising

Class warfare! Class warfare! is the immediate outcry by the rich for any attempt to rescind tax-cuts for the wealthy, change the distribution of property taxes for school districts, or any other way to equalize the playing field and improve class mobility for Americans. When the Economist even has an article about the lack of class mobility there must be something to what all those bleeding-heart liberals have been saying.

The Economist hits the nail right on the head with its proposed solution:
"Republicans should be willing to spend more cash on schools in poor areas (including on teachers' salaries) in exchange for the Democrats accepting structural reform. The No Child Left Behind Act, which introduced some forms of testing and the daring possibility of shutting down some bad schools, was an important step forward. But more is needed. Otherwise two Americas really will start to jump out off the map."

Education is the foundation on which wealth is created. In today's globalized world educating every single child in America is imperative if we want to succeed as a nation. Blue-collar jobs are going the way of the dinosaur. That’s not a bad thing if we can give people alternative skills and opportunities to succeed.

NY Times in depth investigation.