Saturday, August 27, 2005

Drinking and Driving

A terrible mixture. This particular article details five people killed (including the driver) in a Washington County, WI crash. The driver was 16 years old, and was riding with three other passengers, two of whom were killed. The driver rear-ended another vehicle on the freeway, proceeded to spin out of control over the center line, and crashed into an oncoming car, killing both passengers.

This story especially hits a little closer to home because some acquaintances of mine recently were involved in a drunk driving accident. The driver was intoxicated and was driving back from a cottage in Northern Wisconsin. Their crossed the dividing line, and struck an oncoming bus. Flight for Life evacuated my acquaintances to near hospital, where they miraculously survived near fatal injuries. No one was wearing their seat belt and the passenger in the car bit off two inches of his tongue and the driver crashed through the front window.