Sunday, October 02, 2005


My senator from WI, and his presidential aspirations are detailed in a JS article. I may disagree with him on certain points, such as his anti-NAFTA views and desire to withdraw from Iraq by the end of 2006, but I do respect his firm commitment to his personal beliefs. Some of Feingold's positions and achievements.

  • Only senator to vote against 2001 Patriot Act

  • McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform


  • Opposed the Iraq War

  • Opposed to bankruptcy reform and the recent energy bill

  • Voted to Confirm Roberts

  • Supports gun rights

  • Feingold will be the "dark horse" candidate if he decides to run. Indications are that he might, as he has traveled to six different states, the most recent being New Hampshire.

    Would I vote for him? I don't know. He is probably a little to liberal for my taste, but then again his a fellow Wisconsinite.