Sunday, October 30, 2005


Barone makes the case that actually this week was a success for President Bush.
"So on the whole, it was a successful week -- successful in that it gives Bush' administration the opportunity to rise above the low point that it has hit since Katrina's waters smashed through the levees in New Orleans two months ago."
Hell if you still want to stay on this sinking ship by all means, Mr. Barone.

I can only hope that our President continues to have such "successful" weeks leading right up to the elections in '06. Every week a new federal official indicted by a prosecutor, a new milestone in American causality results, a SCOTUS nominee humiliated, and a new low in the Bush's approval ratings. Yeah a "successful" week indeed for our president.

(Almost forget to mention the appointment of Bernanke to replace Greenspan as chairman of the Fed Reserve. That actually was something good that happened this week, but unfortunately for Bush no one in America knows who he is or really cares)