Monday, October 10, 2005

Oh Lord... More Crazed Leftists

November 2 is now The World Cannot Wait--> Drive Out the Bush Regime's day where:
"There will be walk-outs, student strikes, and campus shut-downs, from elite universities to community colleges, to high schools and junior highs. Students will march to noon convergences joining people who have walked off their jobs, and all kinds of other people who have decided the future of the planet is worth taking some risks. One measure of the day's success will be how many people surprise you by wearing a button, or sending out an email blast, or opening their lecture, or slamming a poem, that takes aim at this hated regime- in sly ways and open declarations."

Hmmm... good stuff. There's more.
"People look at all this and think of Hitler -- and they are right to do so. The Bush regime is setting out to radically remake society very quickly, in a fascist way, and for generations to come. We must act now; the future is in the balance."
All that I can say is that I will be sure to be in school on November 2 even if I am deathly ill. Good Lord, Bush is incompetent, but comparable to Hitler? Come on.

Via: My hippy friend Andy Cary, who hates this protest just as much as I do.

Update: Of course at least one of the persons running this protest is a communist, a member of the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade.