Lies and fairy tales spew from the mouth and pen of former FBI director Louis Freeh. On Meet the Press, the former director attempts to defend the baseless allegations he made in his book, My FBI. Freeh obviously just wants to deflect criticism of his horribly managed FBI away from himself. Freeh whined that:
"We asked in terms of new counterterrorism resources for 1998, '99 and 2000, 1,900 positions. We got 76. I asked for $381 million in 2000 for new counterterrorism resources, I got $17 million, etc, etc."Tim Russert then hits Freeh with a counterpunch saying:
"Senator Charles Grassley, Republican, said you had plenty of money and he cites the comments you made before Congress in May of 2001, where you say, 'We received the human, technical and financial resources needed to keep the FBI at the cutting edge of investigations. ...Over the nearly eight years that I have been Director, Congress has increased the FBI's budget by more than $1.27 billion...That is a 58% increase ...'"Just a taste of the lies and distortions inherent in the interview.
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