Sunday, November 20, 2005


Emanates once again from the pen of VDH:
A bewildered visitor from Mars would tell Washingtonians something like: "For twelve years you occupied Saddam's airspace, since he refused to abide by the peace accords and you were afraid that he would activate his WMD arsenal again against the Kurds or his neighbors. Now that he is gone and for the first time you can confirm that his weapons program is finally defunct, you are mad about this new precedent that you have established: Given the gravity of WMD arsenals, the onus is now on suspect rogue nations to prove that they do not have weapons of mass destruction, rather than for civilization to establish beyond a responsible doubt that they do?"

You know that your standing are on shaky ground when employing hypothetical views of "bewildered visitor[s] from Mars" is necessary for advancing your arguments.

Ohh. And unlike VDH, I believe that invading countries to determine that their WMD programs are defunct is bad policy. The natural progression in the checking WMD by invasion would be North Korea.... then Syria.... then Iran...

Just admit it. Invading Iraq was a terrible mistake. Containment worked. There are no WMDs in Iraq.