Saturday, November 05, 2005

Lies and the Lying Liars That Tell Them

Allan Ryskind:
"This is unpatriotic mud-slinging, with a touch of Black Helicopter looniness tossed in. To believe that the White House concocted a fable about WMD in Iraq, you would have to believe in a massive conspiracy involving not only the Bush people, but both Bill Clinton’s and George Bush’s CIA director, George Tenet; Bush’s first term secretary of state, Colin Powell; Clinton’s secretary of state, Madeleine Albright; Clinton’s key NSC Persian Gulf adviser, Kenneth Pollack; and numerous WMD experts at the United Nations."
Uh.. remember those weapons inspectors? Didn't the White House explicity ignore their recommendation that Saddam probably had not resumed its nuclear weapons program with Cheney saying, "We believe [Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein] has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons. I think Mr. ElBaradei [Nobel prize winning director of the IAEA], frankly, is wrong." The inspectors wanted more time. Bush didn't give time to them. We went to war under the premise that Iraq was a threat to our country. No WMDs found.

The reason we had inspectors in Iraq was to prove or disprove the allegations of the very people Ryskind mentioned. Obviously those allegation have been proved to be wrong. No more crying about people who question the motives for why we went to war with Iraq.