Monday, November 14, 2005

Waste of My $$$

Howard Kurtz:
It may be unpopular in the blogosphere, but the New York Times has signed up 135,000 subscribers at 50 bucks a pop for online access to its columnists and other bonus material (plus an equal number of print subscribers who get the service free). Other news outlets are surely taking note.
And I am one of those suckers (albeit I signed up for the early bird 40$ special). Really wish I had spent the money on subscription to TNR, or just more Miller Lite. Do I really need to read the whining rants of M. Dowd, David Brooks' convoluted and way off base opinions about American culture, or anything by Bob Herbert? No. I really don't. (Must confess I do have a soft spot in the heart for the fellow Tom, but 40 bones a year? No thanks)