A Bit of Insanity
Desperate times call for drastic measures
Student calls for use of landmines to secure borders
Staff Writer
There has been a gradual invasion of our country for many years, and it is time we began to defend against it more effectively. I am of course talking about the problem of defending the Mexican border from illegal immigrants. While I am sure it will be criticized by many as harsh, or even inhumane, I advocate the use of landmines as a deterrent to illegal immigrants. I would like to think that it is not necessary to resort to such an extreme measure, but I warn you that it is indeed necessary.
By placing large fields of landmines, we could deter many illegals from trying to enter the country. This would free border patrol agents of patrolling long empty stretches of border, and funnel illegals to chokepoints where they are more likely to be captured. This would be more cost effective and successful than hiring more border guards.
There are those who decry landmines as inhumane, but that is not always the case. When it is plainly advertised that an area is mined, it causes a person to reconsider crossing the area. I would be just as happy if none of the mines were ever detonated, because the same purpose was still served. Illegal immigrants would be much less likely to enter the country if they thought it might cost them their lives.
I despise the idea of illegal immigration, and all Americans should find it equally loathsome. America was founded as a nation of laws, and our highest principles all stem from a lawful society. To try to reap benefits from a lawful society by entering it illegally is a slap in the face to our ideals.
What’s more, it is an offense to those productive and hardworking individuals who come to this country legally, with intentions of becoming productive members of society. These people honor the laws of their new home and should be welcomed as honorable citizens.
Not only do these people threaten our livelihoods and culture, but a very real physical threat is introduced by illegal immigration. Recent intelligence shows that al-Qaeda terrorists are likely to enter the country through the Mexican border, James Loy, the deputy secretary of the Homeland Security Department, said in February. “Several al-Qaeda leaders believe operatives can pay their way into the country through Mexico and also believe illegal entry is more advantageous than legal entry for operational security reasons,” Loy said in testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee.
There was a time in history when the Native Americans were faced with wave upon wave of uninvited immigrants. The illegals of that day used the same logic that they were coming for a better life. They too came without contributing to the society they were overrunning. The Native Americans made one mistake: they waited too long to use lethal force on the invaders. It is a mistake we cannot afford to make.
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