Monday, January 23, 2006

Chris Matthews

Liberals in an uproar, conservative saying nothing is wrong. What to make of the entire situation of Chris Matthews comparing bin Laden's rhetoric with Michael Moore?

The damn problem with Matthews' statement is that trying to smear Democrats as being in bed with terrorists has been the strategy of the right since 9/11. Arguing over the semantics about whether Osama is channeling Dems or vice versa is irrelevant. The mere fact that Osama's statement was compared to certain Democrats (Moore) from a respected media pundit will leave an irreversible impression, however subtle, on the viewing public. To play this game of comparison statements is absurd and morally wrong. Are we supposed to compare certain right wing conservatives dislike of illegal immigration, say with the Ku Klux Klan and its immigration stance? It's just as misleading as what Matthews did. And despicable.
