Iran Invasion in the Making?
From IHT:
Only difference between Iraq and Iran being everyone damn well knows that Iran has the actual capability to make nuclear weapons. Logistically war with Iran seems unfeasible considering the amount of troops currently on active duty, and the only way to shore up numbers would be to re-institute the draft, which Mr. Rove I am certain would wisely council against. Diplomacy and sanctions are the only possible options, saber rattlers notwithstanding.
Reflecting that sentiment, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw of Britain told a security conference in London on Monday, "The onus is on Iran to act to give the international community confidence that its nuclear program has exclusive peaceful purposes - confidence, I'm afraid, that has been sorely undermined by its history of concealment and deception."Quite similar to the pre-Iraq war speeches of Bush and Blair.
Only difference between Iraq and Iran being everyone damn well knows that Iran has the actual capability to make nuclear weapons. Logistically war with Iran seems unfeasible considering the amount of troops currently on active duty, and the only way to shore up numbers would be to re-institute the draft, which Mr. Rove I am certain would wisely council against. Diplomacy and sanctions are the only possible options, saber rattlers notwithstanding.
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