Friday, February 03, 2006

Cartoons and the Crazy Response

As I am a quasi-libertarian at heart, I truly believe that outright censorship of any form of speech no matter how revolting, is wrong. Now there are some obvious limits as to where free speech should be allowed, no naked ladies and men acting *too friendly* on network tv or the old adage and law "no shouting fire in a crowded theater" are among a few that come to mind, but satire, even offensive satire, falls entirely outside those aforementioned restrictions. The entire outrage and condemnation from the Muslim world directed at the cartoonist, his paper, and the Danish government is all within the realm of a reasonable response, and calls for a boycott of Danish goods fall are reasonable and acceptable as well, but rioting, making bomb threats, and all the general mayhem the ensued in some Middle Eastern nations after the publication was just plain ridiculous and wrong. Islam is routinely defaced by the corrupt totalitarian rulers and regimes of all the Middle East on a daily basis. Just search middle east and human rights abuse on Google and look at some of the articles by Amnesty and HRW. Political imprisonment, torture, secret state sanctioned murders, shame trials, the list goes on and on. Boycott Danish products, call for the editor to be fired, complain, complain, complain. Fine. Those are all legitimate responses to a series ofcartoons that offends, but damnit there are more important things to worry about in the world.