AID to Africa
A recent column in the New Yorker calling for targeted aid to Africa. A few key points that I agree with:
Africa needs our help. but just throwing money at the problem will not work. Systemic changes in African (and other nations) governments will be the only true way to reduce poverty. The symptoms must be addressed, but eventually we need to get to the root of the problem.
"The few sub-Saharan African countries that have enjoyed any economic success at all of late—including Botswana, Mozambique, and Uganda—have been major aid recipients [of foreign aid]" "A recent study by three scholars at the Center for Global Development found that, on average, foreign aid that was targeted at stimulating immediate economic growth (as opposed to, say, dealing with imminent crises) has had a significantly beneficial effect, even in Africa." "There’s still a lot wrong with the way that foreign aid is administered. Too little attention is paid to figuring out which programs work and which don’t" "By all means, let’s be tough-minded about aid. But let’s not be hardheaded about it."
Africa needs our help. but just throwing money at the problem will not work. Systemic changes in African (and other nations) governments will be the only true way to reduce poverty. The symptoms must be addressed, but eventually we need to get to the root of the problem.
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