Olympic Bomber Sentenced

Eric Rudolph, the notorious bomber of abortion clinics, a gay nightclub, and the Olympic Games in Atlanta, was sentenced to two consecutive life terms in prison. This zealot showed absolutely no remorse for any of his actions saying:
"I will be vindicated - my actions in Birmingham that overcast day in January 1998 will be vindicated. As I go to a prison cell for a lifetime I know that I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the faith."Fundamentalist zealots come in all religions and creeds and systems of belief. Every one of the world's religions can be perverted to justify any action taken by man. Islam is not the only home of extremists. Christianity has had more than its share of fundamentalists throughout its long history, but the terrible acts committed in the name of Christ do not represent the real word of God. Neither do the actions of Islamic terrorists represent the true teachings of Islam.
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