Sunday, October 02, 2005

An Outpouring of Generosity?

Or are people just shifting donations from local charities to the Katrina relief effort?

The outpouring of compassion and money (to the tune of 1.1 billion) for the people of the Gulf has been wonderful. But some local charities have felt a pinch.

The executive director of the Milwaukee Sojourner Truth House, whose organization is behind pace for its goal of raising 1.1 million:
"The response is certainly less," Executive Director Kathie Stolpman said. "This year is a very difficult year to raise funds."

Thankfully the shortfall will be shortlived, according to Patrick Rooney, the director of Center on Philanthropy at Univ of Indiana.

Just remember the little guys when giving this year. Many of them also assisted with hurricane relief and provided a place of sanctuary, along with their normal duties. Every bit helps.