He's Loved Now
by the Kosers and DUers, but this TNR article portrays Russ Feingold as more nuanced than his image as the new Howard Dean riding in on a white horse that will give Dems some "spine" and save the party.
Some things about Feingold that make hard lefties squirm. He was the only senator to defend the impeachment process of big Bill (though he later voted against it), Feingold voted for the confirmation of Roberts, and has an aversion to nation-building. Other than Clinton impeachment business, the his other stances look palpable to me.
He's got one glaring problem. With heavy heart I will not support my fellow Wisconsinite in the '08 Democratic primary. Despite him being the only senator with the courage to vote against the Patriot Act and his principled stands that I admire (his refusal to take a pay raise for one), I cannot in good faith vote for the man who demands a US withdrawal from Iraq at the end of 2006. Feingold is a fine Senator, President Russ? Nu-uh.
Some things about Feingold that make hard lefties squirm. He was the only senator to defend the impeachment process of big Bill (though he later voted against it), Feingold voted for the confirmation of Roberts, and has an aversion to nation-building. Other than Clinton impeachment business, the his other stances look palpable to me.
He's got one glaring problem. With heavy heart I will not support my fellow Wisconsinite in the '08 Democratic primary. Despite him being the only senator with the courage to vote against the Patriot Act and his principled stands that I admire (his refusal to take a pay raise for one), I cannot in good faith vote for the man who demands a US withdrawal from Iraq at the end of 2006. Feingold is a fine Senator, President Russ? Nu-uh.
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