Speak the Truth Brother
Of course the general Congress did not possess the same intel that the White House did in regard to Iraq's WMD program.
The former chairman of the Senate Select Committe on Intelligence, Bob Graham, who voted against the war, writes:
The former chairman of the Senate Select Committe on Intelligence, Bob Graham, who voted against the war, writes:
The American people needed to know these reservations, and I requested that an unclassified, public version of the NIE be prepared. On Oct. 4, Tenet presented a 25-page document titled "Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs." It represented an unqualified case that Hussein possessed them, avoided a discussion of whether he had the will to use them and omitted the dissenting opinions contained in the classified version. Its conclusions, such as "If Baghdad acquired sufficient weapons-grade fissile material from abroad, it could make a nuclear weapon within a year," underscored the White House's claim that exactly such material was being provided from Africa to Iraq.Why was it that just the opinions that contradicted Bush's claims remained classified? Explain that one.
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