Still whining about perceived left-wing biases prevalent at the University level. And having a David Horowitz acolyte running around paying college kids $100 for finding evidence of "academic bias" is just a bunch of bullshit, and just proof that the entire attempt for a "balanced approach" whatever that is, is just a charade, a witchhunt to entrap good, quality teachers. After all what kind of objective survey can be organized by basically paying students to list any supposed instances of bias? Think there's a possibility that some students would just lie?
Please read John Cole(an actual right of the center educator at the college level) for an entirely rational take on the entire charade.
Please read John Cole(an actual right of the center educator at the college level) for an entirely rational take on the entire charade.
I donÂt have a problem with identifying and criticizing those who use their lectern as an opportunity to berate, belittle, or otherwise abuse students. I donÂt really have a problem with accountability and having outside groups look into whether or not professors are abusing their positions. But what I do fear are the kinds of kids who are going to keep Andrew Jones and his group in business. They are the kid who sat in every class with you and loudly and annoyingly recited something he heard on Rush Limbaugh, thinking this showed the professor was a left-wing crank. This is, I am betting, the kid who screamed bias because the teacher seemed to spend more time looking to the left side of the class than the right, or the kid who saw bias because the professor refused to call 1992-2000 the ÂDark Years.Â
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