Tuesday, January 03, 2006


It's some obscene hour in wee hours of the morn (that stupid timer on the bottom is wrong it's at least 3), and here I am sitting at my house's computer, not my beloved powerbook, too far away, listening to Def Leppard's Armageddon It, and staring at Arrested Development's title screen. What could be better? I cannot think of anything. Except for maybe some more of Tanqueray #10... Nothing like a TnT to pass the time.

Hell. Here's a link to pass your way, my dear reader. Mr. Assrocket himself has won World of Crap's 2005 wingnut of the year. Certainly Bill O'Reilly must have been excluded, for if all the crazed wacked out shit that has been uttered from his loathsome jowls was tallied up he would be winner year in and year out, hands down. A fantastic New Year to all. Back to listening to hits from the 80s.