Monday, February 06, 2006

Random Stuff

At the Gonzales hearings today, which unfortunately I did not watch, even the Repubs were getting in on the action, and laying it down on the Attorney General.

Polemicist Christopher Hitchens and his case for mocking religion.

The Philly Inquirer is one of the few US news organizations, whether it be print or broadcast, to show the controversial cartoons depicting Mohammad. Huuzzza. It is a news organizations' duty to the community to inform and advise, and presenting the offensive cartoon to readers is an integral step in reporting the entire cartoon controversy.

Galloping donkeys. The Dems horsies are looking better than the Repubs in the '06 elections. What could be the cause, pray tell. War+Spying+Bush's domestic policy initiatives=favorable climate for Dem takeover. Problem= no $.

Tragic news: two planes collide outside my hometown city of Milwaukee.

"Beware the ides of March."Anti-War's William Lind purports that something crazy's going to happen to change the complexion of the Iraq War. He mentions three possibilities. First, that bin Laden is poised and ready to strike at the US based on Osama's message of truce. The next scenario being that the Shittes will turn against the US forces in Iraq and start raising hell, and finally that Israel will move to strike Iran's nascent nuclear program.