Monday, October 03, 2005


No Janice Brown, Michael Luttig, Edith Clement, John Coryn, or Edith Jones. Amongst others that hardline conservatives desperately wanted. Instead they get Harriet Miers, a women with no previous judiciary experience, and whose only claim to fame is that she is another one of Bush's pals. Already cries that she might be the next Souter are emanating from the right.

The only possible justification for this pick is that Miers is so well know by Bush that he doesn't need any previous judicial decisions to ascertain how she will rule on upcoming cases. Obviously no previous rulings will mean a severe grilling at the confirmation hearings, but hell, she can just refuse to answer, deflect the questions, etc.

Is Bush incapable of picking anyone outside of his inner circle? There are many more competent, experienced conservative judges that would have served the right-wings interests instead of her. I can only shake my head in astonishment. I actually respected Bush's nomination of Roberts, as I consider him to be a very competent legal expert, but this?

I am not even a conservative but this move baffles and shocks me.

(Not that I am disappointed. As a liberal I see a possibility of Miers being another Souter, and therefore, don't vote against her, senate dems)

Some links:
NY Times
Red State