Thursday, December 15, 2005


Why shit-head Democrats such as these will never ever win any sort of election if they hold and express views such as this.
I won't stand for the American flag because I won't stand for what is done in its name. I won't stand for the current war in Iraq, I won't stand for the last war in Iraq. I won't stand for all the wars before that. I won't stand for its selectively faulty electoral process and I won't stand for its unelected, renegade government. I won't stand for its medieval attitude towards sexuality and privacy, for its violent misinterpretation of Christianity, for its refusal to deal sanely with AIDS and all other global health crises, for its environmentally suicidal stance on climate change, for the hypocrisy of its practices, for the torture of its prisoners, for its executions and its drug wars and its oil wars. I won't stand for any of these things, and I won't stand for the United States of America, or its flag or its anthem, until they change.
Then you have the shitheads down at the comments comparing standing to our national anthem akin to Germans supporting Nazism and Hitler.
If you were in 1938 Germany, and you saw someone refuse to stand and shout Heil! would you gather some meaning from their act?

Protest is good. Mindless dribble comparing Bush to Hitler, whining about our electoral process however imperfect it might be, and just being a pain the ass by not standing for our national anthem is just ridiculous. Some on the far far far left cannot see that 1. not one mainstream American voter, whether on the left or the right, will ever see any sort of comparison between Hitler and any present day American politician, and in fact will be repulsed by any mention of the comparison. 2. Whining about every little wrong that America has done will not and cannot bring about change in any sort of meaningful way as most people just aren't going to listen. 3. All the wonderful European countries that are so beloved by Americans most certainly aren't the models of morality and civil liberties that many on the left hold them up to be (look at Britain's laws allowing newspaper censorship, French handling of riots in mid 90s) 4. Mainstream Americans realize that most people on the far far far far left just plain hate America.

The wacko right hates America for its moral decay, the kooky left hates America for being fascists. What wonderful bed fellows.