Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Things That Irritate Me

The "godfather" of the blogosphere misconstruing people's comments on the transit workers strike in NY. He chops up comments to make the people opposing the strike appear rational. e.g. he mentions that one lady writes in to the Transit Workers unofficial blog:
I am thoroughly disgusted with the TWU. Who are you to think you're above the law? Who are you to take well-paying jobs (for your education levels) serving millions of people and then hold us hostage by striking?

I have a 16 month old son who will be taken to day care today in his STROLLER. In 20 degree weather. I am paid hourly and will lose today's salary.
He fails to leave out the next section in her comment:
You are TERRORISTS, and you are irresponsible, and you are pathetic.[her emphasis]
The comments in the section represent some people angry with the strikers, some supporting. People who cherry pick quotes and then chop them up to obscure the original message to support a point is not ethical. Disagreeing or agreeing with the transit strike is one thing, supporting your position with false examples is wrong.